Get Involved TODAY with our Million Trees Project

Plant Trees & Restore Land at Fun Work Parties
Help us at fun, satisfying, all-ages work parties to plant trees in neighborhoods, parks, and other public-purposed lands with a “right tree, right place, right way” approach. No special skills or abilities needed!

Protect Mature Urban Trees and Diverse Rural Forests
Join our efforts to protect mature urban trees & rapidly disappearing diverse forests in key watersheds — from unnecessary clear-cuts, maxed development, poor policies, or invasives like English ivy.

Connect With Others at Community Events
Attend cool community events (films, presentations, book talks, etc.) to increase your awareness & understanding of tree/forest issues that affect our local health, biodiversity, and climate resilience.

Sign a Tree Petition
Take a few minutes to sign an online petition to save trees. Your signature will greatly boost our advocacy efforts for needed tree policy changes & decisions.

Donate for The Trees
Check out our many convenient options to financially support — small or big — our Million Trees mission, including low or NO-cost ways to donate to us!

Partner With Us
Lead locally in your business niche by partnering with us in innovative ways to create win-win benefits. Boost your bottom line AND benefit your community.
Subscribe to our Monthly e-Newsletter
Don’t Miss a thing — And get a Cool BONUS!
Keep up with our exciting Million Trees Project progress AND receive our comprehensive 15-page Whatcom Tree Planting & Care Guide PDF developed with local arborists & landscapers. It’s chock full of cool tips & resources!