One million trees planted & protected in Whatcom County — for our well-being & future.

Yes, it’s truly possible if we join together!

For The Trees -- Video by Whatcom Million Trees Project

Get Involved TODAY with our Million Trees Project

Whatcom Million Trees Project | Work Parties

Plant Trees & Restore Land at Fun Work Parties

Help us at fun, satisfying, all-ages work parties to plant trees in neighborhoods, parks, and other public-purposed lands with a “right tree, right place, right way” approach. No special skills or abilities needed!

Whatcom Million Trees Project | Tree/Forest Protection

Protect Mature Urban Trees and Diverse Rural Forests

Join our efforts to protect mature urban trees & rapidly disappearing diverse forests in key watersheds — from unnecessary clear-cuts, maxed development, poor policies, or invasives like English ivy.

Whatcom Million Trees Project | Community Events

Connect With Others at Community Events

Attend cool community events (films, presentations, book talks, etc.) to increase your awareness & understanding of tree/forest issues that affect our local health, biodiversity, and climate resilience.

Petitions to Save Trees | Whatcom Million Trees Project

Sign a Tree Petition

Take a few minutes to sign an online petition to save trees. Your signature will greatly boost our advocacy efforts for needed tree policy changes & decisions.

Whatcom Million Trees Project | Donate

Donate for The Trees

Check out our many convenient options to financially support — small or big — our Million Trees mission, including low or NO-cost ways to donate to us!

Partner With Us

Lead locally in your business niche by partnering with us in innovative ways to create win-win benefits. Boost your bottom line AND benefit your community.

Subscribe to our Monthly e-Newsletter

Don’t Miss a thing — And get a Cool BONUS!

Keep up with our exciting Million Trees Project progress AND receive our comprehensive 15-page Whatcom Tree Planting & Care Guide PDF developed with local arborists & landscapers. It’s chock full of cool tips & resources!

Our Mission:

To spur positive ACTION for trees & forests that will enhance our community’s health, equity, biodiversity, and resilience in this era of rapid climate change.

Our Three-Pronged Strategy To Accomplish The Above:

Within Whatcom County, we…
• PLANT the right native tree seedlings in the right places — in public-purposed lands and at-risk neighborhoods that other entities do not restore.
• PROTECT mature trees in urban neighborhoods and key watersheds via policy improvements, development advocacy, increased awareness, and the removal of tree-killing invasives.
• CONNECT people together in hands-on positive action outdoors and at special events that highlight the multifaceted value of trees and forests.

Our Most Popular Pages

English Ivy Removal From Local Trees

Campaign to urgently remove English ivy threatening thousands of local trees.

Rescuing Native Tree Seedlings

Transplanting unwanted native tree sprouts to where they’ll thrive.

WHS Wildlife Rehab Center Reforestation

Reforesting 12 acres of Whatcom Humane Society’s animal rehabilitation site.

WWU Miyawaki Mini-Forest Planting/Edu.

Co-creating an innovative, dense mini-forest at Western Washington University.

Reforestation in Popular Whatcom County Parks

Thousands of new trees for popular parks in Ferndale, Lynden, and Nugent’s Corner.

Greater Tree Retention in New Developments

Advocating for balance in newly proposed infill projects via greater tree retention.

Analysis & Feedback for Key Bellingham Reports

Building a better foundation for improved urban tree policies/ordinances.

Blog Post: How YOU Can Overcome 5 Barriers to Volunteering, and Bridge the Gap from Anxiety to Action